Why I Write

• filed under journalpermalink

Part of this newfound journey I’m on to blog better is to look inward at myself and try to figure out why I write. It’s more difficult than it sounds because I feel I have two thoughts that form some sort of answer. I have a thought, maybe two.

Sometimes there are topics and ideas that just sound interesting. Sometimes things are utterly stupid. Certain situations make stupid stuff interesting. I like to look at writing as me telling you what I think. By reading these words, you’re telling me you have at least a small interest in what I think.

Making money from blogging is a fine line to walk.

People don’t get rich off of blogging. People make money from ads. There’s a little part of me that hopes that some day I’ll strike it big, become famous, and my words will carry weight in the form of money bags, to the bank. I know this is a long shot and in the grand scheme of things, this is a terrible idea and hope to have as it might skew my writing. I want to be honest. Now that it’s out there, perhaps I’ll change my ways… only time will tell. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have mashed potatoes calling my name…. get your own you damn dirty ape.