The Workforce in 2030

• filed under journalpermalink

I recently caught a TED Talk by Rainer Strack on the shifting of the workforce in the few decades to come. There’s a fundamental change that’ll take place soon and one thing’s for sure, there’ll end up being a lot more vacancies in the job market than there are now. I’m sure you’re wondering:

[Conservative] How can this be? Isn’t the economy in the toilet, still?
[Progressive] How can this be? Isn’t the economy doing great already?

Well fear not pundit! Because neither really matter. See, it’s not about how the economy’s doing but who’s working. In the 50s, we had what you’d call a “boom.” It wasn’t an industrial boom, nor an oil boom. It was a baby boom. While it sounds all fine and dandy, the problem lies in what will happen when that sharp population growth that took place fifty and almost sixty years ago all of a sudden decides to retire. I’m sure you can figure out the rest.