Taking Notes

• filed under journalpermalink

Reflecting on my journey so far, one thing I’ve noticed that seems to be most consistent is my desire to write has improved, ten fold. Instead of coming up with huge elaborate stories or long-winded essays about something I don’t even know if I completely understand, I’m starting to keep my thoughts to under a thousand words. This keeps me from getting bored with what I write, and if I do choose to write something more long-form, I can do so without feeling like that’s all I do and it’s just more words on a page. I’m also finding that I’m wanting to take time out of my day, whenever it is, to “write something real quick.” Take last weekend, for example, I wrote a total of [x] posts and published them all. Were they all related? No, but they were all things I had going on in my head and I made sure to take the time to put them down and share them.

Going forward, I think this is something I’ll be doing more often. This has been a product of the changes in my morning routine now that I’m writing every day, almost without fail. So far I’ve had to resort to looking at my notes but a few times, but I can only speculate if that’ll get better or worse. I have at any one time, several different things I’m pondering or thinking about and am taking note of them on my iPhone with the built-in Notes app so when I get home in the evening or start spinning up first thing in the morning, I can look back on it and pick up where I left off. There’s no shame in checking notes to remember what you might want to talk about. I have complete faith that even the best of us do that, too.

If you have a lot of things you want to talk about but don’t ever remember them, writing them down when they pop into your head could save your bacon one day!