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Acid Reflux sucks. I don’t typically suffer from such things but lately it’s been rough. Part of this big (to me) move is having to leave a place I grew up and essentially spent all of my living years behind. Compound that with everything that’s going into moving and the amount of money it really does cost to move. Don’t think you can move for cheap… that’s just not a thing.

One thing that’s been quite interesting, however, is the closer I get to the magic date, the better I feel. When everything first became a reality, I was stupid scared. I didn’t sleep well if at all, I constantly missed my alarm, wasn’t productive throughout the day, etc. It sucked.

As time has passed and I’m getting closer to April 4th, I’m starting to be okay with the idea. I’ve moved my Comcast service, I’ve set up utilities, paid some deposits, looked into things to do in the area, how the city works, etc. I’ve also allotted myself a few days before I start working at my new job to relax and enjoy the area. I know one of the first things I want to do the morning after we move in is sit on my deck and watch the sun rise. Hell yeah that sounds nice.

In Washington, I wouldn’t have the slightest opportunity to do that: we have too many tall trees and my deck faces south surrounded by those damn tall trees. In Cali, I’ll have an uninterrupted view of the east with just gentle rolling hills.

It’s thing like that that make me okay with the whole thing. I look at the weather and see it’s going to be sunny and not sad like it is in Washington. I see it’ll be warmer all around so I don’t have to wear layers to combat 37 degrees and wind and then try to pack them home in the afternoon with 55 and all sun.

Just writing about all this is making me feel less stressed out. Reflecting on all the new and cool that I’ll get to experience is making things easier on me. I’ve moved past the grieving stage and have accepted my departure as fact. The last hurdle I’ll have to jump is two days of driving. If we were driving in a car and not a moving truck, we could do it in one day (12.5 hours non-stop).

While the effects of stress still leave an effect on me every once in a while, it’s not as bad as it could be, I’m getting tired of chewing Alka Seltzer Heartburn Chewables. They taste flavorful until they ever so smoothly remind you that they’re chalky and full of hatred.