Starting Soon:

• filed under learningpermalink

I officially signed up last week for’s Full-stack developer bootcamp becuase I feel while I can learn a good deal of stuff on my own, I’m not going to make on my own to the level I need to be in order to make a fundamental career shift to software development that will actually still support my family.

The program doesn’t officially start until the 9th of November so I have a little over a week to go. It’ll be a long year and change and a lot of new stuff will come my way. I’ve only scratched the surface of what Ruby and Rails can do. I started a simple Rails app a couple days ago that could one day turn into the platform for any and all of my sites, if I stick to it, enough. Right now, I don’t know enough on how to make it great.

With time, I will, and as I progress the app will improve. My goal is to one day have it replace WordPress as my blog, portfolio of work, and anything else about me I feature online. I may even adapt it to restart my photography portfolio.

I’m really looking forward to what I’ll be learning in the coming months and I’ll be sure to share all of it with you.