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What do you think of when I say that amateurs look for excuses?

It’s a rhetorical question and I don’t expect an answer. Instead, that sentence should really be a statement. It’s an obvious one to someone who’s paying attention, but on the inside, it’s harder.

Also known as the easy way out, looking to find a way out of a tough situation by copping out or giving up is modus operandi of those who can’t hack it. Amateurs.

I’m not talking about people who aren’t good enough at a specific thing. No one should expect to be experts at everything they do. What I’m talking about is life. Sticking with the s–t that comes your way. Dealing with less than ideal situations.

Whoever first said “s–t happens” is the realist realist the world will ever experience. One thing a professional understands is that sometimes you step in it, but the best route is to clean it off and keep moving.

This idea became one I find myself gravitating towards after reading a relevant passage in Turning Pro:

The habits and addictions of the amateur are…self-inflicted wounds…[Amateurs] no longer have to face the real fight of our lives, which is to become who we are and to realize our destiny and our calling.

That’s not some hippie s–t from a guy smoking weed. That’s real talk from a guy who used to be an amateur. If you’ve ever thought about reading what it takes to rock life and kick it’s @$$, he’s the guy to go to.

Think about this: how easy is it to make an excuse? It just slips right on out there without anyone noticing… except you… time and again… uttering the same garbage… because you can’t accept the fact you failed at something… or many somethings.

A pro would admit wrong and rectify it. Today. Right freaking now.

You also don’t see pros telling their boss they didn’t have time to create that presentation that’s due today, even though all they did was sit on Reddit and b—h about their boss. An amateur is quick to make excuses for themselves to protect their mediocrity and constant state of incapacitation of potential.

I made a small resolution to kick @this year, and this is one of the many ways to do it because 2015 isn’t quite over. I don’t have to relocate my foot in someone’s @ physically, to rock my goal.

One of the many ways it starts is by accepting the challenge that lays in front of me, every day. Each moment, there’s a hurdle, and each moment I can jump or smash into it like a lumbering blob of crap.

The latter doesn’t sound so appealing, does it…