Hunting the Hunter: Trying to Take a Photo of my Cat

• filed under catspermalink

I tried something interesting, yesterday. Every once in a while, I find the urge to pull out my camera and shoot stuff at home. It doesn’t happen very often, and for good reason. My space is outside, where things don’t move, where all I have to worry about is what time the sun sets, and how cold my fingers will end up at the end. The outdoors is peaceful. Nature doesn’t have a schedule and it largely sticks around for as long as it deems necessary. There are great places to hike, camp, and smell the roses, if there are any.

Bringing it back into reality, however, my home isn’t anything like that.

Have you ever tried taking a photo of you cat?

I did, and it wasn’t easy. It took a bit of thinking, stealth maneuvering, and patience. See, cats are these interesting creatures that do whatever the heck they want, when they want. They’re the part of nature that waits for no one, and if you miss out, that sucks for you. It’s interesting to see the juxtaposition of an animal that’s an extension of our larger feline friends in the wild, so free-spirited, and they end up pooping in some baking-soda-covered clay chunks, and they’re totally ok with it.

Maybe your cat’s chill. Good for you. Maybe you don’t own a cat and think I’m totally whack even talking about it, not long after talking about my cat being in a box. You might be wondering if I’ve run out of ideas of things to write about. All of those thoughts are valid and I understand your concern. I’m not crazy, though. Never the crazy cat person, will I be.

Oh, and you might be wondering if I ever got that photo?


Cat 1. Human 0.