Future Ruby on Rails Developer

• filed under learningpermalink

“Rails Developer” has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

In my hunt to figure out where I want my career to head long term, I keep coming back to the idea of software development. I’ve told stories about how I had a rare opportunity a couple years back and I didn’t take it. Well, this time I’m the one creating the opportunity.

Right now I’m working on a self-paced course through Coder Manual and I’m having a great time. However, it may be billed as a complete “bootcamp” but the next stage for me really needs to be one-on-one with a touch of free-wheeling. It’s easy to follow along and build the same stuff the instructor is building. Where the real learning takes place is when free flowing creativity starts to happen.

This is where Bloc comes in. A long-term coding bootcamp, Bloc covers front end, rails, and full stack development with the end goal of being job-ready as a junior ruby on rails developer.

I’ve considered other languages like Python, Java, Swift and Objective-C, but none of those really hit home for me what I want to do. Rails as a platform allows developers to build complex and fully-featured web applications that can do amazing things while not having to focus on the medial.

Looking forward to what’s ahead.