
• filed under journalpermalink

I’m cheating a little bit.

See, I’m doing the #10-days-to-a-better-blog challenge as a starting point to build up my blog, but after I started, I realized the last day of the challenge overlapped onto a day I’m taking vacation and probably won’t be writing much, at all. So I wrote this post, along with my day 6 post. Perhaps it’t not exactly cheating but I’d rather do two in one day than miss a day.

As I start building up this blog, one thing I want to keep track of is the content people enjoy the most and how long they enjoy it for before leaving. I’ve installed Google Analytics and am hoping I get some good data out of it.

This will also include links from social networks, as I am building them with the “utm” variables in the URLs so as to accurately determine via which method people are visiting the site and reading my content.

One thing I know may be surprising is what people find most interesting. Topics, stories, and ideas I like may not resonate as well with others and they might enjoy stuff I don’t cover as often. This is what the analytics should tell me.